Theis Lien: “Charging electric vehicles is a hassle that can be fixed”
Arthur Woods: “We are transforming the fossil fuel age into a space energy age”
Ilari Henrik Aegerter: “If you treat people like babies, they will act like babies”
Thomas Käslin: “We want to make every cup of coffee environmentally positive”
Maruška Strah: “Everything we do in space is to improve life on Earth”
Yulia Sandamirskaya: “Robots are the next big thing to improve our lives”
Melanie Aregger: “COVID-19 spurred leaps in respiratory diagnostics”
Nicolas Weber: “We want to build for real life, not for the lab”
Chloé Carrière: “We must help society trust science again”
Nathalie Moral: “You can’t inspire climate action through blame”
Richard Clarke: “Happiness is like world peace: everyone claims to care but few really believe in it
Jana Fischer: “We need to reduce barriers for learning from clinical data”
Hélène Iven: “Agriculture is at the center of politics”
Manuel Gerold: “Satellite data is beautiful, powerful, and currently too hard to access”